1) How do I know if I need a chin implant, neck liposuction or facelift?
Chin implants add definition to the jaw line and improve balance of facial features. Balance is typically viewed as one of the fundamental components of beauty. Chin implants are considered a structural improvement more than rejuvenation.
Neck liposuction removes fat. If the neck skin has enough elasticity it will reshape to a more youthful neckline after the neck fat is removed. Neck liposuction will not remove a turkey wattle (that sagging skin that hangs down from the turkey’s neck) or remove neck wrinkles or face lines in the skin.
Excess skin or baggy skin that no longer has enough elasticity to reshape after neck liposuction would require either a neck lift, minifacelift or full facelift, depending many factors including the state of the patient’s skin, general health and expectations from surgery. A good surgeon will show you exactly how he determines which procedure will best suite your expectations.

2) Why is a chin implant sometimes recommended with rhinoplasty?
Before and After Photographs It’s all about balance. Facial features in good proportion are perceived as beautiful. Adding a chin implant readjusts overall facial proportions. In some cases, it is possible to reduce the appearance of the size of the nose just by adding the chin implant for balance.

3) What are chin implants made of?
Chin implants are made of various materials including merscilene mesh (gauze-like material) that can be customized for each individual and preformed products such as silastic implants. These substances have a very low rejection rate and have been proven safe and effective for chin implant procedures.

4) For males, does a chin implant affect shaving?
Not really. For about three days the dressing covers the incision. Men may shave around the incision until the dressing comes off on the fourth day. Then they may shave the entire face and chin area with a straight edge blade for one week. It is best to resuming an electric razor at about ten days postoperatively.

5) Can a chin implant be done at the same time as neck liposuction or facelift?
Yes. Neck liposuction removes fat and a chin implant provides definition. The improved balance and outline results in a more youthful look. Facelift removes excess skin and tightens the underlying muscle layer. Combining these procedures often gives the best final result. By performing them at the same time, patients save on anesthesia and facility fees.

6) I have a fat neck with little definition to my jaw line but I feel like I’m too young for a facelift.
A “fat neck” is not always the sign of premature aging. In some patients it’s a family trait or genetic. If your skin is still elastic, neck liposuction may be all that you need to remove the fat. A chin implant would be considered if you wanted to add definition to the jaw line.

7) When the neck fat is liposuctioned what happens to the extra skin?
Depending on the condition and elasticity of the skin, neck skin reshapes itself after the fat is removed. A plastic surgery consultation would be the best way to tell which procedure is correct for you. If the neck skin has lost its elasticity, a minifacelift or neck lift might be a better choice.A patient concerned about excess skin or a “turkey neck” would be better served with a facelift.

8) Will I be awake during surgery?
Using IV sedation (medicine administered through an IV) and a local anesthetic (numbing medication administered in the operating room), patients are asleep during the operation. Patients do not hear or feel anything and are comfortable during surgery. Patients wake up very soon after the surgery is completed. Intravenous sedation is a type of anesthesia; therefore all patients must have a responsible adult to stay with them through the night following surgery. Patients may not drive for 24 hours after their procedure and this time may be longer, depending on the procedure.

9) How long does my surgery take?
Most chin implant surgeries take about half an hour. If you are having multiple procedures, the length of surgery will be longer. The length of surgery depends on several factors including the complexity of each person’s anatomy. It’s not uncommon for patients who have previously had chin implants to be referred to the Lindsay House for revision surgery. Revision chin implant surgery can take a little longer because of corrections that need to be made as a result of the initial surgery.

10) How long will bruising and swelling last?
Postoperative bruising and swelling begins to resolve at the end of the first week. Full resolution of bruising or swelling may take two to six weeks. However, you may camouflage bruises fairly easily at seven to ten days with concealer stick.

11) Is it painful?
After any surgical procedure, some discomfort can be expected. All patients are provided with prescriptions for pain medication. Patients sometimes use the prescription medication two to three days after surgery. It is uncommon for patients to report unmanageable pain after surgery.

12) Do I go home after surgery?
Most chin implants are done on an outpatient basis. Because you will go home after receiving sedation, you will need to make arrangements for a responsible adult to drive you home, to stay with you overnight and to drive you to our office for your first postoperative appointment.

13) When can I go back to work?
Restrictions from work are generally one week for chin implant surgery depending on a person’s occupation. Two to three weeks off work is recommended for multiple procedures. It is important to avoid bending, lifting and straining during the postoperative period.

14) When can I “work out?”
Aerobic activities should be avoided for three weeks following surgery. Any activity that potentially increases blood pressure will increase the amount of time it takes for postoperative swelling to resolve.

15) I really want to do this but I’m nervous. What if I get stressed?
It’s ok to be nervous. (Frankly, we would be nervous if you were taking this step lightly!) One of the best ways to deal with nervousness is to see what other patients have gone through. Contact Us to talk to a patient who has had the procedure(s) you are considering or to talk to one of our experienced staff members. As you learn in how to Select a Surgeon an educated patient knows when and if the time is right for cosmetic surgery.

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